AWEX Members Update – 11th September 2017

The Change
In NWD Version 7.0, the definition of Ceased Mulesing (CM) has been modified as follows:
“Wool from sheep where mulesing has ceased on the property. No lambs born on this property in the last 12 months have been mulesed. No purchased sheep are mulesed.”

As part of an on-going NWD-IP extension program, AWEX will contact growers where the NWD may have been completed incorrectly based on the use of old stationery (with old incorrect definitions).
This specifically applies to Brands where Ceased Mulesing (CM) status has been declared for the property (answered Yes to the question) with Mulesed (M) or Mulesed with PR (PR) declared at a mob level. This combination can indicate that sheep have been purchased and the property may be ineligible for CM status.

Commencing Season 2017, for Brands that are selected for a Desk Audit, if they appear to be ineligible for CM status as per NWD Version 7.0 definition, the owner/manager will receive:
• a short explanatory note,
• the brochure “How to Complete the NWD Correctly (see attached), and
• their Classer’s Speci and NWD.

The aim of this activity is to increase the wide-spread adoption of the NWD Version 7.0. In order to communicate with the wider wool industry about changes to the NWD, we would appreciate it if this Members’ Update could be distributed (by email or printed copy) to all your contacts including wool reps, wool growing clients or organisation members.

For further information contact:
Kerry Hansford, AWEX Quality & Project Manager, e. or p. 03 9318 0277
Mark Grave, AWEX Chief Executive Officer, e. or p. 02 9428 6100

3115 Members’ Update NWD Note to Brokers Growers and Classers 110917 (PDF)