Supporting The Local Community Through Sponsorships & Donations
Moses & Son is committed to giving back to the communities.
Each year, we receive an increasing number of requests for sponsorship and donations from all over the nation. Unfortunately, we are unable to meet all of these requests. The following information outlines the values that highlight our sponsorship and donation philosophy and provides the basic criteria that guide us in our choice of eligibility for financial or in-kind support.
Each application will be reviewed by Moses & Son.

Who is eligible?
- Charitable organisations that are sheep and wool-focused and/or specifically related to the health and well-being of community members
- Organisations that are endorsed by the Australian Tax Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) (Must acquire an invoice for the donation)
- Projects or events that take place in the communities in which we operate
- Programs with measurable social outcomes
- Can demonstrate positive outcomes for Moses & Son and/or Bluechip Livestock
We will not support
- Political or religious groups
- For-profit organisations
- Capital fundraising
- For personal profit
- Endowment or trust funds
Note: This may mean that organisations we have previously supported may no longer qualify for support.
How to apply for support
Complete the Sponsorship Request Form along with any supporting documentation and return it to:
Email: enquiry@mosesandson.com.au
Fax: 02 6978 0008
Post: PO Box 85, Temora NSW 2666

Please respect that we receive many applications, and it may take up to 30 days for a decision to be made. If a reply has not been made after 30 days, please contact us on 02 69773100 or email enquiry@mosesandson.com.au