What You Need to Know About Buying Chickens
Before bringing chickens into your backyard, it's important to consider the type of chickens that will best suit your needs. With over 400 breeds of chickens in Australia, each variety has its own unique qualities. Here's what to think about:
What Are You Looking for in Chickens?
- Do you want chickens primarily for egg production?
- Are you looking for friendly pets for your children?
- Are you interested in chickens for their meat?
- Will the breed thrive in your local climate?
Bantams are a great choice for first-time chicken owners. These smaller chickens take up less space, eat less, and are often friendlier than larger breeds, yet still lay plenty of eggs.
Make sure you buy chickens from reputable sources with proper vaccination documentation to avoid common diseases such as Marek’s Disease, Fowl Pox, and Newcastle Disease.
What Breed Lays the Most Eggs?
Different breeds produce different quantities of eggs. ISA Browns are known for being prolific egg layers, but their laying life is relatively short. Heritage breeds, such as Australorps, are less productive in the short term but lay consistently over a longer lifespan.

What Do Chickens Need to Be Happy and Healthy?
While chickens don’t need extravagant accessories, they do require a few essentials to thrive.
Essential Chicken Supplies:
- Chicken Coop: A safe, dry place for chickens to sleep and nest.
- Nesting/Laying Boxes (see our product recommendations below)
- Feeder & Drinker: Always provide fresh water and quality feed.
- Bedding: Straw, wood shavings, or shredded paper for comfort and cleanliness.
Recommended Nesting/Laying Boxes Each hen needs its own space to lay eggs. We highly recommend the IO chicken layer boxes from our trusted partners at AIRR. Crafted from durable, structural-grade exterior plywood sourced from renewable materials, these boxes are built to last. Designed for convenience, they come with simple assembly instructions and are available in Single, Double, Triple, or Quad options. Proudly made in Australia, they offer a reliable and sustainable solution for your poultry needs.
We also love this Bainbridge inside metal nesting box, with single, double, or triple compartments, designed to protect eggs with a rollaway feature. Built with galvanised steel and durable plastic to prevent rust and corrosion, they include a front guard to keep bedding intact.
How Many Chickens Can I Keep?
Chickens are social animals and should be kept in groups of at least three or four. Most residential areas in Australia allow up to 10 chickens, but always check your local regulations.
Overcrowding can cause stress, so consider the space available before deciding on the number of chickens. But be aware, roosters are often prohibited due to their noise. Ensure that your coop complies with any zoning and size requirements.
Space Requirements and Protection
Chickens need enough room to roam and forage for their mental and physical well-being. If space allows, free-range is best, but if not, a chicken run or chicken tractor will suffice. A
chicken tractor can be moved around the yard to provide fresh grass and bugs.
Chickens need space both inside and outside their coop. For each bird, it is recommended at least 4 square feet (0.37m²) inside the coop. As mentioned, overcrowding can lead to stress and health problems, so make sure there’s plenty of room for each bird to roost comfortably and lay eggs.

How to Keep Your Chickens Safe from Predators
You also need to protect your chickens from predators, such as foxes, snakes, and rodents, by using wire netting and ensuring the coop is secure.
Ensure your chickens' safety by using strong, secure wire netting (1mm thick) and placing netting on the ground to prevent predators from digging under. Guinea fowl are also a natural deterrent to snakes!
Best Type of Chicken House
The best chicken house for your flock depends on the space you have. Both chicken tractors and traditional hen houses are great options, as long as your birds have:
- Protection from predators
- Shelter from the elements
- Nesting boxes and perches
- Ventilation

What Type of Chicken Feed is Best?
A balanced diet is crucial for your chickens’ health. The best feed is a high-quality commercial pellet or mash that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. You can supplement their diet with kitchen scraps, vegetables, and fruits like spinach, cabbage, and apples—but avoid citrus, rhubarb, and garlic.
Additionally, provide grit to help with digestion, and calcium supplements if your hens are laying plenty of eggs.
Caring for Young Chicks.
Moses & Son provides a variety of chicken products to support the healthy growth of baby chicks. One standout option is Laucke Chick Starter, a highly nutritious feed specifically designed for day-old layer chicks up to 6 weeks of age. This diet is carefully balanced with essential nutrients like protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals to promote strong, healthy development during their early stages.
For chicks aged 6 to 18 weeks or those nearing Point of Lay, Laucke Pullet Grower is the ideal choice to continue fostering their growth and readiness for laying.
For chickens aged 18 weeks and older, CopRice Layer Pellets offer a high-quality, complete feed designed to provide a nutritious and balanced diet for backyard laying hens. Made with rice and rice bran, these premium pellets are enriched with linoleic acid, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to support optimal health and egg production. With high calcium content and a carefully balanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, CopRice Layer Pellets ensure your hens thrive and lay consistently.
Red Hen Layer is a great product formulated to be fed to all classes of breeding and laying poultry, while Red Hen Scratch is intended to be fed to free-range poultry that have access to fresh pasture and can scratch for natural worms and bugs.

Top Tips for Caring for Your Chickens
On a daily basis, ensure your chickens have:
Caring for your chickens means ensuring they have access to fresh food and clean water daily, as well as a healthy living environment free from harmful conditions. A secure coop is essential for their safety at night, protecting them from predators and harsh weather.
As the seasons change, it's important to monitor your flock’s health closely. In the colder months, keep them warm and dry by providing adequate shelter and bedding, while in the summer, ensure they have plenty of shade and fresh water to stay cool and comfortable. With proper care, your chickens will thrive year-round!

Moses & Son - chicken care help!
Caring for backyard chickens can be an incredibly rewarding experience. With proper housing, nutrition, and plenty of space to roam, your chickens will thrive and provide you with fresh eggs, entertainment, and companionship for years to come. If you need advice or to pick up supplies to build a coup, feed your hens or need general health advice for your chickens, get in touch with Moses & Son! Happy chicken keeping!