Start the year with a training and information session on the AWEX WoolClip Wool Classer specification used in conjunction with the new Epacks
Come along and learn more, and see how this technology is easily implemented during wool harvesting and through the value chain.
This casual training session will go through how to be WoolClip ready for the new packs. Bring along a lap top or tablet or your smart phone and have a go!
Wool Classers, students, growers, wool handlers, pressers, shearing contractors and Wool Brokers and staff are all welcome to attend.

Where- Temora Ex-Services Club. 130 Baker St. Temora NSW
When – Thursday 2/3/23 6pm to 8pm
Tea and coffee provided

RSVP by 23/2/23 to John on 0468 533 529 or leave a message/text. Or contact Fiona Raleigh 0403396842,
Or reply by email Not sure if you can commit? let us know and will have a space just in case.