Di-Vetelact Milk Replacer

Di-Vetelact Milk Replacer

Di-Vetelact milk replacer Di-Vetelact® Original is a scientifically formulated, nutritionally complete Milk Replacer for all mammals and marsupial neonates. And a comprehensive Multi Vitamin Nutritional Supplement for animals through all life stages. Di-Vetelact...
Fabstock Super Cycle

Fabstock Super Cycle

Fabstock super cycle Fabstock Super Cycle is designed to help increase ovulation in ewes and cows prior to natural joining as well as Artificial Insemination. Super Cycle is recommended to be given to ewes/cows 4 weeks before and during...
Fabstock Happy Feet

Fabstock Happy Feet

Fabstock Happy Feet Foot Protection Happy Feet is our Lactation Pasture Mix that has been designed to prevent and reduce symptoms of foot abscess and foot scald in cattle and sheep. Happy Feet contains Biotin, a vitamin B supplement to strengthen hooves and stimulate...
Fabstock Feedlot Mix

Fabstock Feedlot Mix

Fabstock Feedlot Mix Maximise weight gain This mix is designed for sheep and cattle to obtain maximum body weight gains in a feedlot situation. As well as providing all essential Vitamins, minerals and trace elements Fabstock Feedlot mix also contains buffers and...