Market Intelligence

Weekly Wool Market Commentary

Moses & Son is committed to providing our valued customers the most current information and data to empower your decision-making process. Discover our latest Australian wool market weekly update below, along with archived reports for your perusal and analysis.




Week S39: 26/03/2025: The AWEX EMI closed on 1245c, down 5c at auction sales held in Australia this week. With 39,048 bales going under the hammer 92.8% cleared to the trade. Despite the favourable currency exchange in US terms the EMI fell by 10c to close the week on 786c. The market opened on Tuesday generally unchanged in all centres with Australia’s largest local trading exporters dominating the purchases. They were heavily supported by the Chinese Indent operators and the largest Chinese Top maker. The final day are selling was the polar opposite with an unravelling of the price structures built up over the past four weeks, posting price falls of between -1c to -29c recorded across the three Selling centres! The Northern Market Indicator managed to hold within 3c of its previous week’s levels whilst the Southern and Western indices falling 6c and 7c respectively.

Merino Fleece

Quality and specifications played a huge part in this week’s market results especially on Tuesday, where the competition on the better style and specified types attracted solid competition. As in the most recent post Xmas sales the best performance was measured in the 19.5 -22.5 µ fleece lots. It is interesting to note the latest MPG percentile rankings have the 19 MPG at 56 Percentile whilst the 21 MPG at the percentile. (Southern MPG – 5 Year)

Merino Skirtings

Skirtings have been performing over the past couple of months more consistently with the reports that demand for wool suitable for the knitwear processing sector was keeping buyers busy sourcing enough wool to meet the demand. Unfortunately, this week the skirting sector demonstrated what appeared as a slight wobble in confidence. Shaken but not stirred we hope as Wednesday’s market result seem to reestablish its composure and hold onto Tuesdays slightly weaker price levels.

Merino Cardings

The sector continues to trade a very solid base, established a couple of months ago. The emphasis on the bulk of the Crutchings and Stains remains the dominant driver and I suspect these better bulk lots are also destined for the knitwear market. There's been an increase in the number of oddments lots, that have previously had no commercial value. Some of these lots are now trading in the market at levels that cover the cost of selling. We must acknowledge and celebrate the small wins :-)

Crossbred Fleece

Crossbred Oddments


Sydney experienced incredible support on 26 to 28 µm full length FNF Cross with rises up to 25c for Tuesday on the 28 MPG. The 26 MPG rose 16c however there was not enough 30 and 32 µm on offer in Sydney to quote. Wednesday experienced a further increase in the 26 MPG adding another 4c whilst the 28 MPG lost 20 of its previous day’s 25c rise. This indicates a reduction in the supply of the volume of bales on offer with the qualifying specifications for the orders!

Next Week

Offering of 41,492 bales commences on Tuesday with all three Centres selling once again. It seems the weekly purchasing is driven by “just in time Purchasing” to keep scours and combing machines running. Demand from retail appears to remain slow to recover.   Based on the market intel received late in the week the Merino Fleece market may be maintaining its composure and price levels next week especially on the lots with qualifying specifications for the fleece orders. Lots with elevated CVH numbers, cotted and heavy VM content may struggle somewhat. ~ Marty Moses.


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