Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

Scope of this Plan

The scope of this plan includes the provision for the safe movement of vehicular, forklift truck and pedestrian traffic and the protection of workers and visitors from moving vehicles.


Moses & Son’s objectives with respect to the Traffic Management Plan (“TMP”) are to:

  • Ensure the safety of its employees, contractors, the general public, pedestrians and traffic,
  • Maintain satisfactory property access,
  • Minimise disruption to businesses,
  • Minimise disturbance to the environment

Related Documents

Work Health & Safety Policy (WHS)

Forklift Operation Procedure
Loading & Unloading Procedure


Management: must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must take reasonable care not to adversely affect other people’s health and safety. Ensure compliance and review of the traffic management plan and take action to identify and control risks and hazards.

 Warehouse Staff: must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must take reasonable care not to adversely affect other people’s health and safety. Warehouse members have the responsibility to educate and ensure visitors at Moses & Son site comply with Safety requirements when loading and unloading trucks.

All staff: must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must take reasonable care not to adversely affect other people’s health and safety. Comply with reasonable instruction from Warehouse operators when moving in and around Warehouse areas.

 Customers and visitors, must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must take reasonable care not to adversely affect other people’s health and safety. They must comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with reasonable instructions given by the person conducting a business or undertaking to allow that person to comply with the WHS Act.

 Licences & Authorised Operators

It is the responsibility of each operator to maintain their licence or notify their manager immediately if their licence has expired. A copy of the renewed licence is to be given to Business Support to be filed on their personnel file.

Using seatbelts

Seatbelts and other restraint systems must be used when they are provided unless a risk assessment indicates it is not safe to do so and other risk controls are implemented.

 Information, training, instruction and supervision

All new starters are to be provided information and induction on Safe Site movement and the associated hazards.

Safe Site Movements:

  • Moses & Son sites and access vary from location to location, it is important to familiarize yourself with walkways, access and signage on arrival.
  • Site speed limits are posted on the entry gate and vary between 5km & 10km. Drivers should always drive for the conditions and vary speed as safely appropriate.
  • Forklifts have right of way on Moses & Son sites. However all operators must remain vigilant and where possible, try to keep eye contact with pedestrians.
  • Forklift trucks must not collide with pedestrians or other powered mobile plant.
  • Pedestrians should use indicated pathways and stay in exclusion zones whilst forklifts are in operation. High visibility work wear should be worn if walking outside of designated walkways.
  • Reversing should be kept to a minimum and avoided wherever possible.
    • Where this is not possible, other control measures should be considered including:
      • Using mirrors, reversing warning alarms, sensors and cameras.
      • Ensuring a signal person wearing high visibility clothing assists the driver who cannot see clearly behind their vehicle – the driver should always be able to see the signaler.
      • Ensuring workers and other people are familiar with reversing areas. Ensuring plant operators are aware of workers who may be in the vicinity of the swing radius, articulation points and overhead load movement of their vehicle.
  • Cars to be parked in designated spots
  • Loading and unloading to occur in designated zones. Drivers to wait in vehicle or in the designated exclusion zone.

When operating a vehicle/forklift on site:

  • Watch out for pedestrians.
  • Ensure the load is stable before lifting or driving off.
  • Be careful of ceiling clearance or overhead obstructions.
  • Always put the heavy end of the load against the load backrest.
  • When approaching a blind corner, use horn and drive slowly.
  • Always have someone guide you if a load restricts your vision.
  • Slow down when changing direction or on wet or greasy surfaces.
  • Avoid harsh braking, especially when carrying a load.
  • Avoid distracting behaviour e.g. using a mobile phone.
  • Drive at a safe speed in line with the load and the existing weather and road conditions.
  • Leave the controls in neutral and shut off the power – locking the start control in the ‘off’ position before getting off a forklift.